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The Banned iPhone 4 Promo Video
June 17, 2010 at 7:06 PM

That’s an instant classic!

"The Banned iPhone 4 Promo Video" is an article by the iPhone Download Blog sponsored by the iPhone Store. Feel free to leave a comment or discuss this topic in the forum. For the latest iPhone info, don't forget to follow me on Twitter.


Original iPhone 4 Ad in Tokyo Subway
June 17, 2010 at 2:44 PM

This is an original iPhone 4 ad that can be found in Tokyo’s subway. Pretty cool isn’t it?

iPhone 4 in Subway

Thanks R1ck for sending this in!

"Original iPhone 4 Ad in Tokyo Subway" is an article by the iPhone Download Blog sponsored by the iPhone Store. Feel free to leave a comment or discuss this topic in the forum. For the latest iPhone info, don't forget to follow me on Twitter.


RedSn0w 0.9.5 iPhone Jailbreak Now Available for Windows
June 17, 2010 at 11:14 AM

pwn AppleThe Dev Team just released RedSn0w 0.9.5 for iOS 4GM for iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G (non-MC version). This RedSn0w jailbreak now brings support for Windows.

According to the Dev Team:

Just like our other betas, this one intentionally doesn’t "hactivate" the iPhone. Please wait for Apple’s public release of 4.0 for that part of it.

YOU SHOULD STAY CLEAR OF THIS BETA SOFTWARE IF YOU RELY ON A CARRIER UNLOCK. That’s because the beta redsn0w works only if your device has already been upgraded to the stock 4.0beta1/beta4/GM IPSW from Apple, which contains a baseband update. If you installed that IPSW, you’ve already lost the carrier unlock until the next planned release of ultrasn0w and blacksn0w.

More information can be found here.

"RedSn0w 0.9.5 iPhone Jailbreak Now Available for Windows" is an article by the iPhone Download Blog sponsored by the iPhone Store. Feel free to leave a comment or discuss this topic in the forum. For the latest iPhone info, don't forget to follow me on Twitter.


How to Set Up Hotmail for MS Exchange On Your iPhone
June 17, 2010 at 10:43 AM

Windows Live HotmailDo you want to get Exchange ActiveSync for Hotmail on your iPhone? There’s not an app for that, but there  is a way to do it manually… Now I don’t know who in the world still uses Hotmail besides my Mom but I figured this info might be useful to someone, which is why I’m posting it.

Setting up Exchange for Hotmail on your iPhone will allow you to keep your contacts, emails, and calendars wirelessly synced between your iPhone and the cloud.

According to LiveSide, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync support has not been officially launched but it does work for certain people.

How to install Hotmail via MicroSoft Exchange on the iPhone:

Step 1: On your iPhone, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > and create a  new Micorsoft Exchange account.

Step 2: Enter the following information:

Email: youremail@hotmail.com
Server address: m.hotmail.com
SSL: enabled
Username: youremail@hotmail.com
Password: password
Domain: <blank>

Step 3: Go to your mail.app and you should see your new Hotmail Exchange account.

As I said above, it doesn’t work for everyone. It didn’t work for me but it did work for a friend of mine. It’s kind of a hit or miss. The good news is that Microsoft said Hotmail will support Exchange later this year.

Let us know if it works for you.

"How to Set Up Hotmail for MS Exchange On Your iPhone" is an article by the iPhone Download Blog sponsored by the iPhone Store. Feel free to leave a comment or discuss this topic in the forum. For the latest iPhone info, don't forget to follow me on Twitter.


iPhone Jailbreak About to Be Legalized?
June 17, 2010 at 9:44 AM

Jailbreaking your iPhone

When you buy an  iPhone, you could expect being able to do whatever you want with it. You may want to jailbreak it to install applications that are not allowed in the App Store. You may also want to unlock it so it is not restricted to only one carrier.

Well, legally you can’t do all this because of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which is a law intended to protect digital locks. This law was intended to protect copyrighted music, DVDs, and DRM entertainment products.

When congress passed this law, they were not thinking that it would also legally allow hardware manufacturers like Apple to have a total control over what you can and cannot do with your iPhone. The DMCA clearly wasn’t created to prevent you from jailbreaking your iPhone, but it “accidentally” did when Apple started to flag jailbreaking as a violation of this law.

A little over a year ago, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a non-profit digital rights advocacy organization, asked regulators to add jailbreaking to a list of explicit exemptions to the DMCA’s anti-circumvention provisions. The US Copyright Office is now supposed to rule any day on whether jailbreaking should be exempted from the DMCA or not.

This is big news because if the exemption was to be approved, Apple would probably lose the huge grip it has on the App Store and what’s allowed or not in the Store.

Apple has always argued that it wanted a clean, safe, porn-free App Store. Bottom line is they want to control every aspect of the Store and that is just not right. It should be the users’ decision, not Apple’s. Only me can decide what’s best for me. Only me can decide if I want to take the risk of installing malicious software on my iPhone.

Apple has never sued jailbreakers or even the Dev Team because they know it would be at the very edge of legality. If the US Copyright Office decides to exempt jailbreaking from the DMCA, it will be a big victory for iPhone (and other smartphones) users and digital rights in general.

Let’s cross our fingers! In the meantime, you can watch this video to learn more about the DMCA exemption for jailbreaking iPhones.

What do you think about that? Do you think jailbreaking should be made legal?

"iPhone Jailbreak About to Be Legalized?" is an article by the iPhone Download Blog sponsored by the iPhone Store. Feel free to leave a comment or discuss this topic in the forum. For the latest iPhone info, don't forget to follow me on Twitter.


iTunes 9.2 is Out. Jailbreakers Beware!
June 17, 2010 at 8:05 AM

iTunesApple just released iTunes 9.2, which comes with a few new features necessary before next week’s release of iOS 4 to ensure compatibility between this firmware and the devices.

iTunes 9.2 features and improvements include:

  • Sync with iPhone 4 to enjoy your favorite music, movies, TV shows, books and more on-the-go
  • Sync and read books with iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4 and iBooks 1.1
  • Organize and sync PDF documents as books. Read PDFs with iBooks 1.1 on iPad and any iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4
  • Organize your apps on your iOS 4 home screens into folders using iTunes
  • Faster back-ups while syncing an iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4
  • Album artwork improvements make artwork appear more quickly when exploring your library

Jailbreakers and people who plan to jailbreak their iPhones or iPads should stay away from iTunes 9.2 for the time being.

According to the Dev Team, Don’t install today’s iTunes 9.2 if you plan on using Spirit for fresh JB (but it’s fine for PwnageTool & redsn0w users).

If your iPad has already been jailbroken with Spirit, then everything will work fine. If however you plan on jailbreaking your iPad with Spirit, it will be caught in a boot loop.

"iTunes 9.2 is Out. Jailbreakers Beware!" is an article by the iPhone Download Blog sponsored by the iPhone Store. Feel free to leave a comment or discuss this topic in the forum. For the latest iPhone info, don't forget to follow me on Twitter.


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