How My Instant Article Writing Templates Are Different

Hey genc,

I've been receiving a ton of emails from people asking me how
are my templates different. Yes, you can look up article writing
templates and get some for free. Yes, other people like Jeff
Herring and Earma Browne offer instant article writing
templates. But, I'm going to be blunt with you.

There is NOTHING like my Instant Article Writing Templates Kit!

The problem with other people's templates is...They leave you
confused still. They do NOT give you structure and organization.
In fact, here's a sampling of what Jeff provides...:


Article Writing Template - What I Learned From...

This one is simply a bulleted list of what you learned from any
number of things or events such as what I learned from my
parents, my sister, my brother, my son, my daughter, from my
third grade teacher, from September 11th, from watch a television
show etc.

Bullet 1
Bullet 2
Bullet 3
And so on...


Now, to me this is not a workable template. That's not how my
free instant article writing templates looked did it?

Templates are supposed to be worksheets that guide you
throughout the process just like I showed you in my videos at - and NOT
leave you hanging.

To Your Article Marketing Success,

Eric Gruber
Your Article Marketing Expert

P.S. At
I show you how I literally hold your hand and help you fill out
each section of the template. Check out my video, and claim your
instant article writing templates and bonuses today!

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