Bookie Bashers Launch - Now Accepting Registrations


This is just a short email to announce to all UKBT members that the bookie basher service is now accepting registrations.

Remember only 200 places are available! The actual service wont start until November the 1st but you can join now to lock in your place before we open the doors to the public.

Please Read Below

If you pay for the text service as well as the emails could you please forward your paypal email reciept to and also your mobile phone number.

If you did not pay for the text service then you dont have to do anything.

Please ignore the usernames and passwords at present as they are not currently needed and obsolete. it is just in case we decide to add a members area. If you try to log in with the username and password then it wont allow you to log in.

If payment has been made you ARE subscribed and we will send a welcome email out to all subscribers this evening

All emails will be sent to the paypal email address used on registration


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