A personal apology - and an unusual gift

Message from Rich

Hey Genc,

I'm writing you today to answer a frequently asked
question we've received from many of our readers
over the last 12 months, specifically...

"Where's Rich?"

You've probably noticed, too, that I have been
conspicuously absent from most of the major
product launches, for quite a while.

And you may have wondered why I haven't written
another one of my game-changing special reports
for the general public in 2 years.

Well, let's begin with something I need to share
with you. You see, I feel I owe you an apology.

Because I feel I have let you down.

Here's how it happened, and what I'm going to do
about it.

It's been more than 2 years now, since I decided I
wanted nothing to do with what has become the
"sleazy" world of Internet marketing.

The politics. The back-scratching. The pitch fests
void of clearly "actionable" ideas. The "good ole
boys club" ... and everything that comes along
with playing "the guru game."

I saw the writing on the wall 2 years ago. Which
I'm sure by now you have undoubtedly seen for

So where have I been? Unplugged from the circus
that Internet marketing has become. To spend time
with my clients. Some of them high-level "big
business" clients. And spending a massive amount
of time researching, and getting clear on how to
proceed independently of all the bad stuff going
on in Internet marketing circles.

Including building a business I am very proud of
right now, that is helping thousands of people,
without my having to do the guru dance every 3

And figuring out how you and I can move forward to
build REAL businesses in a sea of carnival barkers.

It's actually a bit embarrassing, to realize that
even though I helped 90% of today's Internet
marketing "gurus" rise to prominence and
prosperity, most of which are truly helping the
community and their markets...

...there is a portion of that 90% who have
approached what I see as an ethical line in
operating their businesses, and crossed it.

So it all comes down to this...

I now realize I have done you an injustice by
removing myself from Internet marketing. Only to
leave you to the wolves. And for this I hope you
will forgive me.

Rest assured, I clearly realize the critical error
I've made in carrying on my relationship with you.
And have already begun making amends, making
right for you in a BIG way.

(And just in case you're wondering, this message
is in no way connected to a product launch, a big
offer or an evil scheme to build my list.)

Over the next week or two, I'm here to re-welcome
you to the Strategic Profits family. A family I truly

You'll hear more about this very important
announcement (that directly concerns you) on Friday.

And today, to help me be sure I am on the best
track to help you with your needs in today's
environment... to again be your beacon of truth
and reason (without the smoke and mirrors you see
in almost every product launch that hits your inbox)...

I am asking for a favor from you. Simply, that you
help me help you to rise above the current
economic conditions, and the sad state of the
Internet marketing community.

Starting next week, I will be answering questions
from readers like you by email, on a weekly basis.

And to get the ball rolling, I need your input.

So if you're still with me, visit this short
questionnaire I've set up for you:

Submit Your Question Here

You'll be able to tell me where you are in your
business right now, along with your most pressing
challenges. The one's that are keeping you up at

When you've completed it, I have a special treat
for you. One that will show you what I've been
doing lately. What I've been thinking. A peek at
the "new Rich."

It's an interview like I've never done before.
With a business authority like you've never heard.
An unusual interview sure to rock your world. Like
you used to expect from me regularly.

And this is only the beginning. Because for you
and all of my loyal readers, I'm happy to say...

Baby, I'm back!

To higher profits,


P.S. And to really get the ball rolling, I have an
important assignment for you. Ignore at your own

I've recently updated the special report that
started it all... "The Internet Business Manifesto"
with a new beginning and end. Both will
everyone who reads it get on top of their
and stay there.

 Download The Updated Manifesto Here

Whether you read The Manifesto four years ago,
last month... or never. Put this on your "to do"
list tonight. Especially if it's been more than
six months.

One of the biggest secrets successful business
owners practice is "revisiting" the fundamentals
of business and marketing... on a regular basis.

Look, we all get busy. It's easy to forget the basics
when you're working on something new. But
this is
the most important time TO review the

When you do, you'll immediately see what I mean.

Stray from the fundamentals, and you're setting
yourself up for failure.

So make some time tonight, or right now. And give
yourself a much needed "tune up" that will give
you a boost like you've never imagined.

 Download The Updated Manifesto Here

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