Holiday greeting cards are here!

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Presenting our 2010 holiday greeting styles

Poignant, memorable videos for your family, loved ones, or organization

We're gonna tell it to you straight: paper greetings are OK, but Animoto videos are so much better!

More engaging, more poignant, and with three new beautiful style choices, Animoto videos are the holiday greetings people remember. Choose a few pictures or video clips you've taken this year, then let us help you tell your story.

Happy holidays everyone!

Create your holiday greeting

The future of greeting cards

Animoto makes a great holiday greeting from your family, company, or even baseball team. Plus, you'll save postage, time, and the planet!

Schedule it, share it

Create your video now and schedule its email delivery for later — be done with all your holiday cards today! Email your entire address book, or post to Facebook, Twitter, etc.
the ANIMOTO Team


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