Question about RankBuilder?


I was searching online to find more info about RankBuilder and I came across your information.

Are you still involved with RankBuilder?
If you are, how is it working for you?

RankBuilder looks like a good system but I currently use a system that's unique in that it's been able to provide thousands of hot targeted leads to my business daily and I mean 99% on target.

If I can plug it into a program than it can make a difference.

It sounds like RankBuilder is a decent system but you may also be interested in this system especially when it comes to a targeted lead source for your current company.

I think this 1 strategy alone could have a dramatic impact on your primary business.

If you're interested... I can send you some information. If not... no big deal.

Aside from that... I really enjoy connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs and would love to get to know you and hear more about your system.

Shoot me an email.

Have a great weekend!
Greg DeMario

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