Do you understand your analytics well enough to make the numbers work for you?
Register today for this new, 90-minute webinar, co-sponsored by Mequoda and SIPA, and discover how to use analytics to modify your website's Internet marketing strategy.
Dear Publishing Colleague,
The days of assumptions in marketing are long over.
I can imagine all thoughtful, data-centric online publishers have already jumped-for-joy over this realization.
Analytics have not only become popular on the web, they have become incredibly reputable and reliable to a large extent. This science has come along to solve problems for online businesses so that content marketers and editors can make decisions based on real, existing data.
If you don't have an analytics package currently, don't worry - Google has you covered.
Google, the world's most popular search engine, has developed an analytics system that they offer as a free service. Marketers and technologists from all industries have become attracted to Google Analytics, which has made it the most widely used statistics service, adopted by 57% of the 10,000 most popular websites in the world and 49.95% of the top 1,000,000 websites. (That last statistic was provided by Alexa.)
For those unaware of its capabilities, Google Analytics can track an array of statistics on your website; including referring traffic from search engines, display and pay-per-click advertising, and email marketing. Goals and funnels can also be created to keep track of conversions on your most important digital collateral.
And that's not all... Google Analytics can show your total website traffic, how long the users stayed on your site, the amount of pages they viewed, your top landing pages, etc., etc. The list continues to go on.
The best part about this information is that on December 14, it will be communicated to you in a basic, straightforward manner from a professional well acquainted with the topic. Spend 90-minutes for this Mequoda/SIPA webinar with Greg Krehbiel, the Director of Marketing Operations for Kiplinger.
Analytics Helps You Put Your Website Data to Work
Do you understand what's important in an analytics package? If you have one currently, what do you monitor? If you don't have one currently and are kicking yourself because of it, do you know what to focus on from the moment you get one to assure the greatest possible success from your analytics?
Analytics packages give an expansive amount of information on how people are using your website. The only issue is, if you're a business content marketer or online publisher, you may not have the time or staff to devote to all aspects of an analytics package. Therefore, it's necessary to know which information you should be focusing on.
Attending our Actionable Analytics webinar on December 14 will allow you to walk away from the presentation with a list of components to pay attention to and actions you can engage in as a result.
This webinar will help decipher a solid plan of attack for all of the major statistical data points like getting more website traffic, understanding and monetizing off your most popular landing pages and search terms. You will come to find better ways of turning visitors into conversions, which may lead to more customers for your business.
It's true; analytics can help you overcome many of the obstacles we as online publishers face on a regular basis.
For instance, do you know how many prospective customers abandon your website within the purchasing funnel? Analytics can show you where exactly the prospects are leaving, and can lead you to potential reasons as to why it happens.
However, before your audience can ever get to the buying process, they need to land on your website and stay there for at least enough time to understand who you are, what you're about and how your products or services can help them solve problems they face. Again, analytics can help in this process.
Analytics can track your bounce rate. If new, potential customers land on your site, but your content isn't delivering as promised, the visitor will likely leave. Is your content on the page wrong? The promise on the page or the persuasion used insufficient? Analytics will show you where visitors are bouncing from, and this presentation will give you more insight on how to fix these issues.
A Webinar with Truly Actionable Information
We have named this webinar Actionable Analytics for two reasons.
First, the information found within the 90-minutes can be used to better your analytics experience immediately.
Second, the webinar not only includes information, but also incorporates exercises. These exercises are designed to focus on a specific area of analytics where they can be set aside and concentrated upon.
As an example, here is a part of an exercise found within the 90-minutes of our Actionable Analytics webinar:
Exercise: Targeting
Step 1 - Find the top 50 to 100 search terms that bring traffic to your site and sort them by bounce rate, from lowest to highest.
Assisting text and images accompany the speaker's dialogue during this exercise. A few more steps will then be discussed, and the overall outcome of the exercise will help you group your most and least successful search together while helping you realize the landing pages that associate with those terms. Those landing pages can then receive even more attention so that it's fully optimized for the audience members searching on those terms.
Pretty helpful huh?
That fraction of an example and nine others make up the exercises found throughout the webinar on December 14.
The information contained in Actionable Analytics dives even deeper into the characteristics of analytics packages.
In this 90-minute webinar, Greg Krehbiel will show you how to make analytics an informative, data-collecting goldmine for your website. This information includes:
- How to define your website goals and stay focused
- The difference between hits, visits and unique visitors, and how to find this data
- What setting up goals will do for your analytics package
- How visitors are coming to your landing pages and how it relates to your overall goals
- How to target winning and losing keyword groups
- What do look for in a bounce rate
- How to interpret why certain pages have high bounce rates
- How to monitor the terms people are searching for internally
- If your refresh rate's frequency is enough
- How to compare paid and organic traffic
- What to consider while looking at the websites that refer traffic to you
- What to do if you're getting a lot of traffic on a keyword that you aren't monetizing
And the list goes on...
If real data is important to your marketing efforts, can you afford to miss this webinar?
It's certainly a question worth asking yourself, especially if you aren't a pro with your analytics package like our host Greg Krehbiel.
About the presenter
Greg Krehbiel is the Director of Marketing at Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. He has a proven record of success and innovation in all aspects of professional publishing, which includes: search engine marketing, email marketing, website development, IT, landing page testing and optimization, Internet publishing, product development, editorial, direct mail and project management.
As you can see, someone that really knows his way around analytics will teach this webinar.
I suggest you take the time to attend the Mequoda/SIPA webinar, Actionable Analytics: What to Do with All Those Numbers with Greg Krehbiel on December 14.
Kim Mateus
Educational Services Director
Mequoda Group, LLC