THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST Genc We appreciate your interest in and thank you for taking the time to apply. Our application review process consists of various in-depth analysis of the information provided to us. At this time we are unable to accept your application to join our affiliate network. As every application is reviewed and taken into consideration, please understand there are several possible reasons for the denial of your application: - Inconsistencies in application information
- Limited website traffic
- Limited campaigns for your marketing program
- Conflicting application information
- History of improper affiliate practices
- Business practices that are inconsistent with our Terms and Conditions
- Inability to reach you by phone (or email for International Applicants)
- Failure to reply to our phone (or email for International Applicants) correspondence with you, in the allotted 5-days
Thank you, The Pending Affiliate Team Email: is a division of Media Breakaway, LLC. All other product and brand names are the service marks, trademarks, registered service marks and registered trademarks of their respective owners.
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