XY7.COM Affiliate Questionnaire

My name is Dawn I am from XY7.com we have tried to contact you to discuss your application but have been unable to reach you. In order to process your application we need to gather some information about you & how you promote offers. Please answer the following questions. Please enter N/A for sections that do not apply to how you promote. 

Thank you in advance,

Affiliate Company Name: Webnexs


Prepared by: Dawn H.







CD Number: 17079


Reviewed by:









Contact Name:  Genc Arifi

Phone Number:  38649183003


How did you hear about XY7?

How long have you been an in the Affiliate industry?

What type of traffic are you running?

Is there any particular vertical you are doing best with?

Are you looking for a specific offer?  

What countries do you promote in? US


 EMailer questions:

How long have you been emailing campaigns?

How often do you email?

How big is your list?

Is your list a double opt-in list?    Yes   or   No

What is the demographic of your list?

Approximately how much commission do they generate on average per month?

Over 1K?    Yes   or  No

Over 5K?    Yes   or   No


Search questions:

Do you do Organic Search or PPC?

How much do you spend a month on advertising?

 Approximately how much commission do they generate on average per month?

Over 1K?    Yes   or  No

Over 5K?    Yes   or  No


Banner questions:


Are you the owner of Domain? 

How many sites do you post banners on?

Do you own those sites?

List all sites owned:

How many hits does your largest site get?

What type of content is on the site?

What demographic of visitors do you get on the site?

Approximately how much commission do they generate on average per month?

Over 1K?    Yes   or  No

Over 5K?    Yes   or   No


Media buy questions:


What type of Media buys do you do? 

Do you buy on Social Media sites?

If yes, which social sites?

What demographic do you primarily target?

Approximately how much commission do they generate on average per month?

Over 1K?    Yes   or  No

Over 5K?    Yes   or   No


Contextual traffic, ask these questions:


What sites do you pop from? 

Path Traffic? no

Approximately how much commission do they generate on average per month?

Over 1K?    Yes   or  No

Over 5K?    Yes   or   No




Can you please verify email address you listed with this account: 

What position do you hold at the company?

Instant messenger screen name _______________________________________________________

What is the best (most preferred) way to contact you: Email phone or IM

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