Task '800 High Quality Profile Links to be Created' has been completed

Task '800 High Quality Profile Links to be Created' has been completed by Sebastian Dyer.

This task requires you to create 800 profile links. The links must be created manually, and they must be do-follow. The websites that you are creating the links on must have good traffic and a good alexa rank. The deadline for this task is Wednesday, and you are expected to take around 8-12 on it.

When you're done, please attach a file to the system by going into the documents section. We would like you to bill your time using the timer below. Please update us on the amount of links you made after you stop the timer.


Site: http://freeonlinegamesrpg.info/

Keyword: role playing game

Text: I found this role playing games website whilst surfing the other day. I have to say, it really is the best role playing game website on
around. There are tons of variations of  classic role playing games, but there are also really cool and new role playing games. Find
your role playing game today!


The text above is just an example of the kind of text we want, the important thing is the integration of keywords in anchor text.

Please submit any questions below and either I or my manager will get back to you shortly.

Unique Id: ta003

Workspace: Genc Arifi Personal

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