Wikispaces - New Wiki List tool for wiki navigation

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Cut down on manual linking

Our new Wiki List widget lets you add a list of the wikis you care about — and that your viewers care about — with the press of a button. Find out more.

Dig into Private Label

On December 7 at 10 a.m. PST (18:00 UTC), Sarah Cove will be hosting a Private Label webinar for new users, existing customers, and curious onlookers. It will be a chance to learn more about Wikispaces Private Label, see some features you may not know about, and be part of a real-time Q&A. Sign up today.

How will you spend the next 4 minutes?

Wikispaces Private Label: complete wiki environment, network of linked wikis with central administration, wiki solution for organizations... Whatever you want to call it, our new video gives you a clear overview of what it does. Watch the video.

Featured Wiki: Urspace

Michael Uleau started the Urspace wiki in July of 2007.

1. Briefly describe your group, your wiki, and what you use it to do:

My group of users are high school science students. The wiki was designed to be a one-stop information warehouse, where students could share their ideas and keep track of what's going on in class. We use the wiki to link to all our important information and create projects that other students can use as a resource for even more projects.

2. Besides the Edit button, which wiki feature is your favorite?

The ability to add RSS feeds is the greatest! Feeds make the wiki dynamic and provide current topics for reports.

Keep reading.

A Message from Debbie

Here at Wikispaces, we pride ourselves on reading and responding to each email we receive. I personally know how frustrating it is to send in a question to a company and get an automated response or ticket number back — and the note that you might hear back in 24 to 48 hours. When you hear from us, you might get some pre-written information from me, Adam, Eric, or Sarah, but we always review and customize it specifically for you. We never send you an automated response without reviewing it first. (We also have some wonderful help content created by Carole. Check it out anytime through the help link on the upper-right hand corner of a page or by going to — there's a great FAQ there.) If there's a question we can't answer for you, we'll help by pointing you in the right direction. Having trouble with something technical? Our developers Dom, James, Jeff, Julie, and Ryan will help us ferret out the problem and come up with a solution.

We also make every effort to get back to you very quickly. In general people are surprised and pleased at how quickly they hear back from us. So, have a question or a problem? Shoot it along to us and we'll take care of it!


What will you do with your next wiki?

Good idea: Allowing students to collaborate on a wiki in order to create your school's new mascot!

Bad idea: Allowing students to collaborate on a wiki in order create your school's lunch menu. Monday: Pizza, Tuesday: Pizza, and so on.

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