genc, Here's Your Article Marketing Blog Post Wrap Up
Hey genc,
Since I've combined my article marketing, blogging
and social media efforts, I am swamped with
networking and prospect calls. I'm not complaining
at all -- in fact I welcome these calls.
If you'd like a free strategy session with me --
simply email
and she'll set you up with a day and time.
Now, as I must hit the phones again any second,
here is this week's blog post wrap up
**New Article** 3 More Ways to Gain Instant
Want to know why I have such a loyal following
that takes action -- exactly when I tell them
Learn how I have gained the trust of my prospects
and clients here:
How to Establish Authority
Authority and expertise must be established before
you expect a reader to take action and become a
prospect. Otherwise, you become known as a blowhard.
In order to become credible, you must demonstrate
knowledge and trustworthiness.
Discover 7 ways to establish instant authority
status here:
How to Use the Law of Reciprocation
Discover 5 ways to use this universal law of
influence to convert more readers into
prospects and customers.
How to Create Influence and Trust in a Place
of Uncertainty
Today, right now, I am going to show you how to
apply four universal principles of persuasion to
your article writing and article marketing efforts
– so you can begin creating the influence and trust
you need to sell more books, products and services.
To your article marketing success,
Eric Gruber
P.S. Now, start writing and submitting articles using
the persuasion principles I have shared with you this
week. If you need more help, check out my online
article writing course where you will get 7 hours of
content at 1/3 of the normal price when you go to:
Everything Communications
133 Cypress Drive
Colonia, NJ
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