Discover the "Holy Grail" of the periodical publishing industry. Learn the secrets to publishing profitable subscription websites from Phil Ash and Don Nicholas. Dear Publishing Colleague,
There's a tidal wave of change hitting the publishing industry and its name is subscription websites.
Why now?
Perhaps we should erect a monument to Steve Jobs.
With 250 digital magazines premiering on the Apple iPad platform, and more than four million iPads already sold, there is a vigorous renewed interest in digital subscription products.
Even though subscription websites have been around for more than a decade, this is a genuine revolution.
It's true. There is a fundamental transformation underway in the publishing industry that has been triggered by the general public's recent awareness and acceptance of digital magazines.
Here's the best part: The iPad is successfully promoting the notion that premium content costs you money. And consumers are responding by opening their online checkbooks.
And it's not happening only on the iPad platform.
Book, magazine, newspaper and newsletter publishers are already creating applications that will certainly drive reader demand for all the new eReader devices.
The result: Consumer attitudes are really changing, with millions of users acquiring digital reading devices and purchasing incalculable amounts of editorial content.
All this spells opportunity for publishers like you.
Yes, I want the Mequoda/SIPA Building Subscription Websites Webinar
You can be among the publishers poised to make millions with subscription websites.
Subscription websites have been described as the "Holy Grail" of the periodical publishing industry.
Sure, we all know that print magazine and newsletter publishers in the U.S. have been subscription-driven for decades.
Many publishers have produced profitable white papers, webinars, live events and other "one shot" products. But for sheer profit, nothing matches a successful subscription product that's based on the continuity revenue model.
That's because regardless of the subscription price, the typical customer is a loyal, paying subscriber for an average of 36 months. So a publisher's initial marketing efforts generally yield revenue for years to come.
That's money in the bank for publishers like you and me.
At our October 12 webinar, Building Subscription Websites: Six Proven Models for High Profit Publishing Websites, we'll consider three dramatic changes in the subscription website revenue model that can mean unprecedented revenue and profits for you.
- The reduction in delivery costs (and how it affects your bottom line).
- The expansion in niche market size. (A print newsletter market of 300,000 subscribers in the United States could now grow to include three million English-speaking subscribers worldwide.)
- The potential of the credit card continuous service model (and how to use it to increase renewal rates by up to 20 percent).
My colleague and co-presenter, Phil Ash, will talk about how these changes have enabled his company to pursue new subscription newsletter niche topics that previously weren't feasible using the print publishing model.
Quite simply, the numbers work differently now. What may not have been a profitable niche in the past (print) may be very profitable now - in the world of digital delivery.
Yes, I want the Mequoda/SIPA Building Subscription Websites Webinar
Phil Ash reveals all: Case studies from the real world of subscription website publishing
You probably know Phil Ash. He's rapidly becoming an expert on building profitable paid subscription websites.
Phil is publisher of both the National Institute of Business Management (NIBM) and KCI Investing. His companies publish 20+ newsletters, numerous books, weekly webinars, and a half-dozen or so online-only subscription services.
Phil and his team have built one of the fastest-growing websites in history that serves the investor market., his blog, is the hub website for 10 newsletter and periodical websites.
Without question, Phil is a genuine mover and shaker. In the past 12 months, he rallied his troops to roll out 8 new websites. And now they can get a new one up in just three weeks!
In our 90-minute webinar, Phil will reveal how he uses this nexus of websites to build an email subscriber database, promote awareness of his subject matter experts, and market his premium products.
And he will provide detailed case studies of Personal Finance and MLP Profits, two of his most successful subscription websites.
You won't want to miss Phil's insights on how to:
- Design sites that retain paid subscribers AND convert prospects...with MINIMAL ongoing marketing effort
- Serve the needs of both print and online users
- Capture more email addresses
- Communicate effectively with your technical team
Phil's companies are growing quickly, based on their ability to launch new online products so efficiently.
Believe me, no one can tell you more about how to get started in subscription website publishing, with greater authority, than Phil Ash.
Don't miss Phil's proven 10-step process for building a subscription website in only three weeks - on time and on budget.
Sign up for the Mequoda Webinar, Building Subscription Websites: Six Proven Models for High Profit Publishing Websites, right now.
Yes, I want the Mequoda/SIPA Building Subscription Websites Webinar
Please join Phil Ash and Don Nicholas on October 12, 2010 for Mequoda's Building Subscription Websites webinar.

Kim Mateus
Educational Services Director
Mequoda Group, LLC