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Mequoda Daily
Mequoda Daily
September 23, 2010

Insight from Jeanniey Mullen and Don Nicholas from the Mequoda Summit Boston 2010

I catch a case of slight chills when writing this article about modern parameters of content marketing. Why? Because the publishing landscape has changed. We are at the beginning of a new era, one where communications and mass media went digital.

Does Gutenberg's printing press era end here? Surely print won't disappear tomorrow, but publishers are already making a shift and adding digital components and editions to their arsenal of content. It's not surprising; large groups of people are using the Internet and mobile devices to consume the content that interests them. If publishers want to remain relevant to these growing audiences, it's a must to offer digital products.

An instrumental part of this new digital equation is the release of the iPad. Other tablet devices will be a part of the equation when they get released.

The iPad has an intuitive design that is easy enough for children to experience. The device was specifically created for content consumption and is already a big hit. In fact, according to an article on ABC News' The World Newser, "with the iPad's launch in China, Apple may be on track to sell 12 million [iPads] this year and millions more next year".

Sure, this information is interesting, but let's get to what this means for online publishers and content marketers alike.

How tablets will change our online publishing businesses

Here are three tips from Don Nicholas, Mequoda Group's Executive Director on how the iPad will change the online publishing industry.

-The iPad has a browser that can be used to view Mequoda systems, online publishing hubs or email newsletters and email marketing pieces.

-Websites and apps now have the technological capabilities to create a lot of communication archetypes. Print and paper used to have this distinction exclusively.

-Apps are gaining more popularity, as they are portable and often inexpensive.

New technology and content marketing go hand-in-hand. Start reaching new audiences through different mediums after learning the seven steps to our content marketing strategy. Join Don Nicholas as he teaches the second round on Content Marketing 2010 Seminars. Learn more about the events and register today.

How to maneuver in today's digital landscape

Jeanniey Mullen, the chief marketing officer for Zinio and VIVmag, was a keynote speaker at the recent Mequoda Summit Boston 2010. Her insight on the future of digital content seemed to engage the entire audience who gathered to hear her.

According to Jeanniey, even with new technology, it's still all about the customer. She emphasized that new devices are fun, exciting and engaging, and that it's up to us as publishers and content creators to take the message consumers bought into and make our brands take the next step.

In regards to the iPad and mobile devices, Jeanniey said, "there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for apps right now. Align business strategy with what's best for your brand's future".

The era of digital content allows users to access content they love in a convenient, searchable on-demand manner that doesn't require any extra steps; the content can be digitally delivered directly to the device of your choice. Amazing huh?

Three key aspects regarding the future of digital newsstands from Jeanniey Mullen

1. Understand the App Ecosystem. Apple and Android have two very different ecosystems; Apple has specific standards developers must follow while Android offers a lot of freedom with the apps they offer. It's important to keep an open mind about your strategy.

The decision between paid and free apps is another important consideration to make. Paid apps have higher usage than free over time and paid apps get better rankings over time. Free apps are of course free, which may appeal to users and can be a great introductory icebreaker to new users. Which brings up point that the app market is a door to new consumers.

2. While leveraging the fully integrated platform your website is critically important. Apps can include features from your website that will allow online publishers to build a presence that makes sense on the web and is built into apps for mobile devices.

3. New technology is bridging the generational gap. Kids love the iPhone and iPad because it's simple and intuitive. Babyboomers have the highest level of disposable income for the next 15 years and are getting more Internet savvy. And people who enjoy content, love owning that content. These new devices are making it easy to connect with any, own the content and take it anywhere.

What does this mean for content marketing?

Content marketing, the act of giving away free content to start relationships and allow your audience to sample your content, is directly affected by new technology. The types of content that can be offered to audiences has expanded to audio and visual components that can be shared, saved and consumed on the go with mobile devices and tablets. The free offerings can be enhanced with paid products that could be more engaging than ever before.

As mentioned earlier, it's more important than ever before to connect with your audience in order to determine which mediums they prefer. That way you can reach them accordingly without having to spend unnecessary money developing products your audience will not like.

It's an interesting time that we live in. What is your strategy for distributing content through new and different mediums? Please add your comments to the blog. I'd love to read your responses.

And if content marketing is a topic you need to know more about, join Don Nicholas as he teaches the Content Marketing 2010 Seminars in Denver, San Francisco and Boston.


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