Advanced Stats & Translations

Translations & Advanced Stats
Dear Partners,
We would like to welcome our new users onboard and let everyone know of the new features that we've added to recently.

We have finished translating all the pages on our site, even the download page. We would appreciate if you could contact us if you find any errors in the translations. Also, Chinese and a few other translations will be added soon.
I would also like to let all of you know that we have released a brand new Advanced Statistics page that was designed as an excellent tool for our affiliates! This feature is in Beta mode, but many of our affiliates are already utilizing it to better understand their performance and to increase their earnings.
The new interface allows you to see your performance from many different angles: by country, country group, file size group. In addition, it allows you to see your top performing links at a very detailed level (file size, uploaded date, popularity around the world, etc).

We strongly urge everybody to use it, as it is a very valuable tool for maximizing your performance!

FileSonic Team
If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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